小学英语教案设计:Small animals

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小学英语教案设计:Small animals

  作为一位不辞辛劳的人民教师,总归要编写教案,教案是保证教学取得成功、提高教学质量的基本条件。那么教案应该怎么写才合适呢?下面是小编为大家收集的小学英语教案设计:Small animals,欢迎阅读与收藏。

小学英语教案设计:Small animals

  Pre-task preparation:

  1. Free talk.

  How are you?

  How old are you?

  I see a ...What can you see?

  Happy New Year!

  2. You did a good job. Now let’s listen and act, OK?

  Show me your ...

  Clap one, clap two...

  While-task procedure:

  1. Can you count from one to ten? Let the students count from one to ten.

  2. Teacher acts a bird, a rabbit. Then draw a big rabbit on the blackboard, point and say a big rabbit. Then draw a little rabbit, ask the students,“Is it big? No, it‘s a little rabbit. Repeat a little rabbit for several times. Today will learn a song about the little rabbit. OK?

  3. Let the students sing the song follow the teacher sentence by sentence, then paragraph by paragraph with the actions.

  4. Play the tape and get the students listen carefully, then teacher act and sing the song with the students.

  Post-task activities:

  1. Let the students sing the song with actions together.

  2. Have a competition within the groups. To see which group is the best one.


  1. Sing the song with actions together.

  2. invite some students to sing.


  Listen and sing the song five times.

【小学英语教案设计:Small animals】相关文章:

幼儿园中班英语活动教案《We love animals》06-22








